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History of Gene-Phos

1992  Guizhou Wengfu Gene-Phos Chemical Co., Ltd. (Ex: Qiannan Prefecture Pentasodium Factory) was established in Daping, Duyun City, Guizhou and the designed production capacity of 80kta technical grade STPP.

1995  The trade mark Gene-Phos was registered.

1999  Produced 86kta of which 45kta was exported and certified by ISO9002.

2000   Shareholding reformed and rename as: Guizhou Gene-Phos Chemical Co., Ltd.

2004   Merged with Wengfu (Group) Co., Ltd. and renamed as Guizhou Wengfu Gene-Phos Chemical Co., Ltd.

2009  Completion of food phosphate production line.

2012  Gene-Phos was rewarded as famous trade mark in Guizhou Province.

2013   Removed the factory from Duyun City to Wengfu Industrial Park.

2014  Modified and expanded the production capacity to 60kta and passed 72 hours performance test.

Copyright  2017  Guizhou Wengfu Gene-Phos Chemical Co., Ltd.        A Member of Wengfu (Group)